by sheilaedens | Jan 23, 2015 | Social Media
I, for one, believe that social media is here to stay, the platforms may change, but the concept shall remain. That means that we need stay up-to-date within the social media world, if we use it. The challenge of staying informed also brings the how-to and what to use...
by sheilaedens | Mar 16, 2012 | Social Media, Virtual Assistant
Saving time on social media is a must if you want to escape time wasters and time suckers. Setting up a system can help avoid many of the distracting games, gossip, and out and out worthless parts of social media. There is a time to play games, but it's not while...
by sheilaedens | Dec 13, 2011 | Social Media
Today, business is all about relationships. We buy a car from the guy our neighbor's brother recommended. We hire the contractor our mother's accountant used. We go see the movies that everyone on Twitter talks about. So finding ways to take business relationships...
by sheilaedens | Jul 21, 2011 | Facebook, Google, Social Media
Do you know how to see the future? If you do, then the whole world is all yours for the taking. At least, that's what online marketing expert Jonathan Budd says in his video Get Traffic 3.O. Jonathan tells us the importance of predicting the future – learn the...
by sheilaedens | Jun 20, 2010 | Social Media
The last few posts talked about advertising in a world where social media is growing leaps and bounds. The traditional marketing way is still here, but it may not be the best form of marketing for you or you may need to combine the traditional with the social. We...
by sheilaedens | Jun 13, 2010 | Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Program, Social Media
Image by rogercarr via Flickr If you've done any affiliate marketing at all, you'll be quite familiar with the phenomenon of the Super Affiliate. When you have a force of 100 affiliates, a Super Affiliate is the who's responsible for 79% of your sales. 10 Super...