There are many ways to make money working online as an Internet marketer. It can be as easy as choosing an E-book to promote and driving traffic to your Product Owner's site. This can be quite successful, but understandably, many want to move on to another stage. One way to do this is to build your own website to inform your readers, before offering them the chance to buy your affiliate products. One of the quickest, easiest and cheapest ways to achieve this is to use WordPress Blogs.

WordPress allows you to set up your own website without having to buy any software. You merely visit the WordPress site, follow the download instructions, choose your passwords and you're ready to go. The only expense you occur is in buying and hosting the domain names for each site you want to set up. Typically, domain names can be obtained for less than $10 per annum, with hosting available at around $10 per month.

At the outset you'll need to decide what subject your initial WordPress blog will be about. If possible it's a good idea to start with something you know about. This will help when you add content as you should find it easier to write with some authority on your subject. You need to balance this by ensuring your subject is also a market customers are prepared to buy in – so you'll need to carry out the usual niche and keyword research before you can expect to make money working online.

Before you write content, you'll need to set up your blog, by choosing your theme and plugins. Take your time selecting from the many themes available, ensuring you choose something that matches your subject matter. For instance, if you're creating a site related to men's body building, you don't want to be choosing a mainly pink coloured theme. Common sense prevails here. Look for Premium themes. Search engines are already familiar with these.

With plugins you may be tempted to add as many bells and whistles as possible. Don't do this – it's not necessary, and could even impact the performance of your blog. I would recommend using Google XML Sitemaps (which helps search engines to index your blog) and the All In One SEO Pack (to improve Search Engine Optimization).

You're then in a position to add content about your chosen subject. If you're already writing and submitting articles, you can reuse these in your blog. Whatever content you use make sure all the information is helpful to your readers. You'll need to insert your best keywords at regular intervals, again to help search engines find you, and make your site appear prominent in Google, Yahoo etc.. If you have the time, you should try to add content each day, to keep your blog current.

Finally, it's time to add links to your affiliate products, in order to make money working online. You can place links in the keywords within your articles, or add banners and pictures of your products, with the links embedded in there. Nevertheless, keep it simple, don't overwhelm your visitors with too many products. Select 2 or 3 quality products and stick to these.

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