You may be thinking that Social Media is not for local businesses that it is for those wanting to reach consumers or clients in another state or around the world. Not true. There are two key factors that contribute to the success of your local brick and mortar Social Media efforts. The key factors are:
• Business Traffic
• Business Reviews
The use of Social Media will help you address these two factors in an awesome way.
How many people in your community and in your target marketing use Social Media? You have already built trust in your community, now reach beyond – technology can help you do this. It can help to build awareness with people in your community that may not know you. There is the possibility of turning them into customers. Social Media will also allow you to compete with larger companies. It is cost-effective, new and exciting.
You may be thinking I do not have time to Tweet, Blog or use Facebook. I have a business to run. Why not contact a Social Media Specialist to discuss the pros and cons of Social Media for your business.
What about business reviews? Research has found that 83% of all Internet Users are involved in at least one social network. Local searches are growing day-by-day. One research reports “location-based mobile social networking revenues will reach $3.3 billion by 2013.”
People talk about their likes and dislikes of those that they do business with. Why not listen?
Social Media for the Local Business has become a proven marketing tactic.